Dear Customers,
Hamburg Sud has the most extensive network of connections in the port of Cartagena, because that is where is located the main port transfer worldwide, offered through the figure of Special Cargo service to and from the Colombian ports Barranquilla, Buenaventura, Santa Marta and Turbo.
With the aim to provide clarity on goods that are expressly restricted by the customs regulations, to undergo Special Cabotage regime, we want to share this information, in order to avoid a refusal or delay in the authorization for this type customs.
The customs authority under the regulations of Article 358 of Decree 2685 of 1999 may reject a particular cabotage operation in the following cases:
- Goods undermine public health, animal and/ or environmental safety.
- Weapons, explosives, precursors for the manufacture of narcotics, drugs or narcotics not authorized by the Ministry of Health, nuclear waste or toxic waste.
- Goods on which there is legal or administrative constraints for such operations.
• Substances controlled by the DNE as:
- Acid Acetate
- Amharic acetated
- Ammonium
- Calcium Chloride
- Sodium bicarbonate
- Sodium hydroxide
- Hydrochloric Acid (Acid Clorhidric)
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Potassium Manganese
- Potassium Chloride
- Potassium Permanganate
- Sodium Metabisulfite
- Sodium Sulfite
- Sulfuric Acid
- Urea Ammonia
Likewise according to Resolution 4240 of 2000 the Customs Authority determines who cannot undergo this regime the following commodities:
• Textiles and textile articles, footwear, gaiters, similar articles and parts thereof, classified in Section XI (Chapters 50 to 63) and Chapter 64 of the
Customs Tariff, as appropriate.
• Exceptions goods classifiable under the following headings: 50.01; 50.02; 50.03; 51.01; 51.02; 51.03; 51.04; 51.05; 52.01; 52.02; 52.03; 52.04; 53.01;
53.02; 53.03; 53.04; 53.05; 54.01; 54.04; 54.05; 55.01; 55.02; 55.03; 55.04; 55.05; 55.06; 55.07; 55.08, and subheading
PARAGRAPH. * Paragraph amended by Article 2 of Resolution 5932 of 2007, new text: * this restriction shall not apply if the transport document
relating to the goods mentioned in item 1 of this article is consigned or is endorsed by a user Free Zone or in the case of textile materials and articles
which are to be subject to the temporary import for inward on the terms specified in the third paragraph of Article 39 of this resolution or import mode
processing or assembly.
• The goods classified under the following tariff items from China and Panama cannot be subject to customs transit.
- 64.01 through 64.05, footwear,
- 85.06, electric batteries.
Sub-headings or monitors as output units of computers.
-, blenders
-, electric irons.
If you require more Information please do not hesitate to contact our customer
service 03-5777545.